All the Canyons

Total Travel:  240 mi, 7 hrs
Leg 1:  116 mi, 3 hrs; jet down quickly to Golden, and head up US-6 to Black Hawk, back down Golden Gate Canyon, then up Coal Creek Canyon and have a lovely outdoor lunch at Wondervu Cafe in Wondervu.
Leg 2:  124 mi, 4 hrs; within a mile of Wondervu, enjoy one of the most spectacular views of the Continental Divide you will ever see!  Follow Coal Creek Canyon Drive to CO-119 (Peak-to-Peak Hwy) and turn north to Nederland and head down hill again to Boulder.  Head north to Altona and back up Lefthand Canyon to Ward and north again on CO-119.  When CO-119 meets CO-7 (a "T" intersection), turn right to Lyons and then head back up the hill to Estes Park and finally down hill again back to Loveland.
This is a REALLY long route, and you can, of course, cut it short at any point and head back to Loveland.
Caution:  as always, watch for sand and pea-sized gravel on the roads, especially in the Spring.
GPX File:  All_the_Canyons.gpx   (To download, right click link and select "Save Link As..." to save it to your computer.  There are many things you can do with a GPX file once it is on your computer.  We assume you will know what to do with them based on your particular use for them [e.g. in GPS-based navigation devices, making maps, etc.]).
Page last modified:  01-Jun-2024
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