14-Dec-2024 Christmas Brunch and Gift Exchange

In place of the December gathering, Steve and Inez are inviting us to a Christmas Get-Together at their place.
When:  10AM, Saturday, December 14th.
What:  Potluck brunch starting at 10AM followed by a gift exchange.
Please RSVP (see contact info below) to let Steve and Inez know what you are bringing for food.
They will provide a breakfast casserole and coffee/tea.

Gift Exchange

If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, bring a wrapped, unlabeled
gift ($15-$20). If gender specific, please label as ‘male’ or ‘female’.  To start, everyone
    draws a numbered card. The person with number one has first pick of an unopened gift.
    The person with the next number can either choose an unopened gift or “steal” an already opened gift.
    The person who has their gift “stolen” can either open a new gift or “steal” someone else's gift.
They cannot steal their gift back.  Once a gift has been “stolen” three times it is retired from the
game and the current holder keeps it.  This continues until the last person has chosen.
Then the first person gets one last chance to ‘steal’.
Address will be sent out in a "broadcast" email.
RSVP to Steve:  text 720-884-7837 or email to sdscholbrock@mac.com .
(There is a potential for a ride afterwards, weather and moods permitting.)
Page last modified:  05-Sep-2024
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